Bluedio T5 Active Cancelamento de Ruído Fones de Ouvido Bluetooth - Amarelo

Modelo: 02A00039Y

  • 185
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Headphones? More like HeadPHONIES... sorry
Pros: These headphones look great. Let’s be honest, that’s the reason I got them. I like the simple design and the color yellow. It matched my aesthetic perfectly.Cons: Why, oh why, can’t I just find some cute over the ear headphones that ALSO function properly. Okay, so it’s really a shame about the sound in these things. Mine only sound good when they’re plugged in, which, you know, is my favorite part about my new WIRELESS headphones! When used through Bluetooth, it’s like... that sound the tv makes when the satellite dish is fritzing out because of all the rain. Or like when you’re trying to have a video chat but the connection sucks. Or like when Samara came of of the ring.. well,... tv screen?Basically, these headphones are glitchy af.Also, not really a fan of the lady’s voice when she says the functions in my ears. Idk if it was intentional or not, but there’s def some hidden naughty undertones when she tells me my “device is connected”All in all, at least they are still usable with the cord?