Camera Noturna Segurança Cartão De Memória
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Related Reviews
Agnes Klaassen
K&F Concept Camerarugzak,
Voor mij is de camera precies groot genoeg voor alle lenzen , oplader en toebehoren. Mooie kleur als op de foto. Stevige rugzak. Echt blij mee.
Olá Tsiu
Funciona muito bem
É visão noturna...e à noite SIM você consegue ver objetos, à distância, com muito mais clareza e precisão do que a olho nu. Funciona muito bem com belas imagens na tela de visualização e capacidade de visão noturna decente. Fiquei surpreso com a boa relação custo / benefício. Pelo preço, ele tem ótimos recursos e funcionalidades e definitivamente vale o preço!
Agradável !
1 camera câmera de rotação de 180 graus com imagem nítida. 2、Você pode visualizar as câmeras frontal, traseira e interna 3、Fornecendo várias opções de idioma para fácil operação 4、As peças entregues também são muito completas.
Caroline Poyurs
É incrível
gostei da qualidade da camera
Relação qualidade/preço-desempenho realmente top!
We bought this 2-in-1 filter for a shoot that was shot outdoors. We had encountered no problem filming at the edge of the water with the reflections of the sun. For the price it is excellent, the variable filter ND2 to ND32 is really enough for video. Thanks to the filter, it is possible to maintain the settings for the cinematic look on the camera, with a large aperture, a low ISO and a beautiful bokeh.
The filter feels of good quality, we notice that it does not break after repeated screwing and unscrewing.
The plus of this filter are also the 2 small peaks, which make it possible to adjust the ND part of the filter well.
In short, if you want to buy a filter for your camera, we recommend this one at the price.
Really top!
I haven't shot it yet, but it might be the best.
I purchased 82mm diameter for FE16-35f2.8GM.
As for the lens cap, I bought a variable ND lens cap from K&F Concept that was one size up (about 600 yen).
Surprisingly, the convenient things that camera enthusiasts really want haven't been commercialized yet, and it's K&F Concept and smallrig that give shape to products that are within reach.
The four corners were clearly projected without being kicked in the ultra-wide-angle range of a full-frame lens that can be attached with a filter (I'm video only, so it's 16: 9).
I haven't taken a live shot yet, but if there are some color casts or the mist is too strong, I will fix it somehow with the camera settings and da Vinci.
I usually use a black diffusion filter for making pictures, but the price is cheaper than buying two variable ND and black mist.
I might buy another one for the SEL1018 for APS-C, which inevitably gets kicked at the wide-angle end with two layers of variable ND and black mist, but before that, I'll try it with a step-up ring.
Excellent quality
We looked at lots of tripods. The critical issues for us were (1) sturdiness (2) lightweight (3) stability (4) flexibility ie monopod and also able to mount camera from above (5) height

My son uses the tripod to film demos on a table - the tripod is flexible enough to position a camera from above with the stem of the tripod point out sideways.

In addition we use the tripod on family trips and it is lightweight enough for that. For fast moving sporting events and in crowds the monopod feature comes in useful.

Would highly recommend.

(Incidentally there was one small piece missing initially but the seller was extremely helpful and sent the missing component within a couple of days - would buy from the seller again).
The kit includes many useful tools for cleaning the system camera and camera components, and I can easily clean my various camera equipment.
Related Faq
Os binóculos de visão noturna são recarregáveis?
Sim, nossos binóculos de visão nite são equipados com bateria de 4000mAh e suportam carregamento rápido Tipo-C. 
Você pode ampliar no modo de visão noturna?
O zoom digital de 5X permite aos usuários aumentar ou diminuir o zoom em objetos para uma perspectiva maior. (Pressione e segure o botão infravermelho para aumentar/diminuir o zoom.) 
Qual é o alcance da visão noturna?
15 milhões 
How do the camera joints bend? Do you have to pre-bend it....or do you control it externally?
There is a gear at the end of the handle that changes the head angle. Push the thumb to the fully depressed position and it will turn into a J shape for easy handling, this is a great borescope 
Can this endoscope camera be used in cars? i want to see my car engine
Our wireless endoscopic cameras work with cars/vehicles. Such as carbon deposits on piping valves, removing missing bolts in engine bays, inspecting cylinder walls and pistons, gearboxes, muffler pipes, etc. 
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